So many good points about unseen maintenance requirements that we frequently overlook! Great discussion on putting value on maintenance. Thank you for a thoughtful and well written article!

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Thanks, Amy!

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May 23, 2023Liked by Justin Anderson

Great post! Most people overlook the ‘maintenance’ required with purchases and pursuits.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Justin Anderson

Great blog once again. I love the topic of bikes, so very true! Love the the drawings! Thank you for sharing. 👍

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I really enjoyed listening to your story and how you compared the world of bike commuting with other aspects such as work projects or launching product features, but basically any other habit or activity we want to include in our routines.

Same happened to me when moved to a bigger house, adopted a cat, included exercise and meditation as part of my life, and other activities that seemed easy at the beginning, yet the little details showed up later forcing me to adapt and learn.

The concept of "vertical ownership" resonated with me, emphasizing the importance of finding a balance between enjoying the end result and embracing the necessary maintenance and responsibility that comes with it.

Great post Justin and thanks for sharing your experience!

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Thanks, Elena! Even the activities we "own" come with maintenance, especially when trying to sustain habits. I'm glad the vertical ownership piece resonated with you. When it comes to PM, vertical ownership of a customer problem can be a north star for a product team, even though some org structures can make that difficult

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