Feb 7, 2023Liked by Justin Anderson

Agree a lot, and would say people get hung up on deciding which habit is the "right" one they should start. I think tracking whatever habits you pursue is equally as important, because visualizing progress that's been made can make it less tempting to break them.

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Great point. It’s easy to delay starting for the sake of perfection, but something is often better than nothing with habits

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Feb 7, 2023Liked by Justin Anderson

Excellent! Well said! So accurate! 👍

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Justin Anderson

Such a rich read here, I appreciate the way you expose this so crucial topic that involves human’s most basic aspects to dignify life in constant evolution, improvement and growth. The best things in life must be sought after, pursued and conquered with hard work and consistency. Habits require consistency and consistency is what makes the movement forward. Progressing in constant change for the better is what improves the quality of life. Thank you.

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Great analogy on cover crops and preserving good habits. Trying new ways (cover crops) to hold your resolution is useful. Very timely!

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